Specialized training for your BeFrienders or leadership team can be provided by the National office on topics related to BeFriender Ministry. Individual churches or groups of churches/organizations can contract with the national office for facilitated events. Contact the National Office with your request and to determine fees.
You may select from one of the following topics or call 952-767-0244 to discuss other options.
Growing into Our Call: A Time of Reflection and Renewal.
Personal Retreat: 2 hours
The personal retreat provides BeFrienders and program leaders an opportunity to reflect on their personal ministry, name what they have learned from it, and determine what continues to inspire them and help them grow. Participants renew their call to ministry and experience community prayer.
Program retreat: 4 hours
In the 4-hour retreat, participants experience the personal retreat. In addition, they reflect on questions about the BeFriender Ministry program in their church. The questions examine the benefits, strengths, and challenges of the program, and the group creates action steps for the future.
Community retreat: 7 hours
For this retreat, your church or organization or a group in a neighborhood, city, or region can join together to build community and network with other BeFriender groups. In addition to all of the elements of the personal and program retreats, participants in the 7-hour version also have the opportunity to vision how BeFriender Ministry can continue to be vital and strong in your setting or a particular geographic area. The retreat is held at the location of your choice and is facilitated by a member of the staff of the national office.
Radical Listening in a Noisy World: Making Space for Grace
Listening is at the heart of all relationships. Take time to make space for Grace. Deepen your ability to listen to God, yourself and others. The retreat experience will provide an opportunity for you to be refreshed, renewed in spirit and better equipped to be a radical listener.
An opportunity to reflect on compassion in connection to our cup, assumptive world and ministry.
BeFriending With Mutuality
Enhance skills for pastoral care by reviewing and experiencing active listening in this highly interactive, fun session
Energize your Leadership Team
An opportunity for program leaders to support one another, discern the strengths and challenges of the leadership team, create a vision and action steps for the future growth of the leadership team and ministry.
Other topics
If you do not see your desired topic on the list, please contact us