When someone feeling alone and isolated experiences a caring connection;
when a woman with an aging parent suffering from dementia can share her story with a listening presence;
when a patient with a life-threatening illness can talk about his fears to a caring ear;
when an abused woman finds comfort in safely telling her story to a nonjudgmental listener;
-that is the power of BeFriender Ministry.
BeFriender Ministry is a national, ecumenical non-profit organization that provides leadership training and ongoing support for a listening ministry of care and support in churches, hospitals, senior living communities including all levels of care, or other organizations.
Since the early 1980’s BeFrienders have been providing skilled pastoral care throughout the nation.
My experience of being in BeFriender Ministry has been profoundly life-affirming. When I first became part of BeFriender Ministry, I had no idea it would become one of the most important small communities in my life.
It is an honor to accompany a person on their journey, whether it is for one day, several months, or several years. I am changed because of being in the BeFriender Ministry. I have become a more intentional listener, more compassionate, more aware of the grace operating in our lives.
I have seen the grace that is God’s life, vitality, and love flowing through this ministry – BeFrienders and those they listen with go away changed. God is present as we give of ourselves in hospitality and relationship, hold hope for each other, and open ourselves to really hear one another.”
Mari Taffe