After BeFriender Ministers have been commissioned, program leaders will gather once per month with BeFrienders for continuing education, ongoing learning and spiritual growth.
Program Leaders facilitate a process once per month for BeFrienders to reflect on their ministry which provides an opportunity for ongoing learning and growth. Confidentiality is honored.
At least quarterly, program leaders will plan continuing education sessions for BeFrienders based on the needs of the group. Options for continuing education:
- Purchase continuing education trainer guides designed for program leaders to facilitate continuing education sessions for their BeFrienders
- Attend continuing education sessions offered by the National Office
- Contract with the National Office for specialized training
- Utilize expertise in your church/organization for speakers
- Many organizations have pro bono speakers bureaus
- Gather with other BeFrienderr groups and share a continuing education session
- It is vital to nurture and BeFriend your BeFrienders. Plan a yearly potluck, retreat, or gratitude celebration.
If you have questions regarding continuing education, please contact [email protected]