To make an online donation
“…I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers
…the moon and the stars you have set in place…”
Psalm 8:3
For more than 40 years, BeFriender Ministry has been honoring God’s presence and our connectedness as human beings through active and nonjudgmental listening. Responding to the world with the gift of compassionate listening is a gift of meaning and purpose.
Your gift of support empowers the mission of BeFriender Ministry to heal hearts, energize communities and transform a suffering world.
Your gift of support will be received with profound gratitude.
To make a donation by check
BeFriender Ministry
1120 E 80th Street,
Suite 105,
Bloomington, MN 55420
To make a stock transfer gift:
Please contact Barb Schwery if you would like to discuss making a gift of a stock transfer.
BeFriender Ministry is a 501c3 charitable organization. Your contribution is tax deductible according to current IRS guidelines.